In-Sync Story
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In-Sync Story

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Lyrics's Application

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1Lyrics's Application Empty Lyrics's Application Thu May 26, 2011 5:53 pm



Name: Seth

Age: 13

IGN: Lyrics

Timezone: GMT+/-5:00

How long have you played In-Sync Story: Just a day but I really enjoy the server. I believe I will stay at this server for awhile I say this because so far the server is running nicely and smoothly I have not noticed any errors what so ever. Also there are no noobs or trolls that I have ment on the server. I believe this server has a great community so far. But of course I have only just started playing for today.

Why do you want to be GM: Well most people would probably reply to this question like this "I will help the server as much as I can BLAH BLAH BLAH.." Not while I'm here =.=. Anyways back to the topic. I want to become a game master because I believe I could improve the player base by making video's/ect. I also think that I could make the server more creative. (There is NEVER to much creativness Very Happy)

What will you do as a GM: Well for one I will NOT abuse I have been on plenty of servers that have abusive Game master(s). It is quite annoying when you can't do anything about abusive admin... Example one: "IMMA SPAWN ZUKAM FOR NO REASON HEHEHEHEHE" Example two: -Is fighting with another player- I dun't like this guy he doesn't agree with me -Bans the player-" I think you get the point after my examples o-o. I will also strive to be part of the players in other words I won't act like i'm an admin what I mean by this is I won't be all stuck up and such. Acting as if I run the server -.- In others word I will NOT act like the game masters in global maple story. (They are MAJOR snobs)

How can you help the server as a GM: :O How can I help? I dunno you tell me~. At this part of the application I will list things that I can do.... So please stand (WARNING I will explain each thing Very Happy) I can make video pretty well, The reason I think that is because it is fun to me and it gives me things to do if ya know what I mean >Very Happy (In other words you can ask for a video anytime it will be made..) I can also help other Game masters with commands/ect I have personally have been Game master quite a few times of course that was like 1 years ago but I still remember most of the commands.

How long can you play In-Sync Story: Well that really depends..., In other words I can be on all day if I'm off I only haz a half life you could say hehheheh. I can be on 6-7 hours a day on a school day on holidays and weekends ALLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAY~ I also only have 3 and a half more days till school ends Very Happy. So yeah I will be so active you will be sick of me.

Your experience as a GM: I have been playing global maplestory for over 3 years.. I have been playing maplestory private servers for 2 years and I have been admin in ALOT of server like 10 of them sadly all of them shutdown Sad. (I hope this one doesn't shutdown only time will tell.)

Have you met the staff members as of right now: No, I have not seen one yet but I look forward to seeing one.

Will you quit this server if I deny your application: Er-hem I will not quit infact If I do get denyed I will keep playing. Striving for game master. (Bwhahahaha I will stalk you through out the game)
(Be honest, This answer won't go against you.)

What makes you standout?: First of all I stand out because I'm random.. You never know what will come out of me example I could be singing song lyrics to going crazy. I am also VERY creative I HATE being bored =.=.

Lyrics's Application Kid-goku

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